Our Culture
Central to our ethos across the portfolio is the ’employee’.
Equality, Diversion & Inclusion
Our ongoing commitment is to provide a safe and welcoming working environment for all team members, whilst encouraging and celebrating our diversity.
Recognition of equal rights: We recognise that all people have the right to equal employment and all guests have the right to enjoy all services in tourism equally, regardless of age, size, ability or disability. We work to promote this right in all our activities.
Personal attention: We welcome all customers and make it our priority to meet their individual needs.
Human Resources: We are equal opportunity employers and are committed to employing a diverse and inclusive team of employees across our group to deliver high quality accessible services. We are also committed to on-going disability awareness training for all employees as an inclusive employer.
Removing and Preventing Access Barriers: We are committed to ongoing audits and the results from the action plans will be used for continuous improvements to our infrastructure, products, services and information, using a ‘design-for-all’ approach, in order to remove or minimise access barriers and contribute to sustainable and accessible tourism for all.
Staff Training: We are committed to continual staff training which takes into account respect for human diversity and disability awareness, ensuring that all customers are welcome and can enjoy our hotel services based on their individual needs.
Monitoring: Our organisation ensures that customer services are monitored and access for all is a key pillar in delivering the highest quality of service to all our guests needs.
Information: We are committed to designing our websites to international best practice in accessibility standards and ensuring that information is available in an accessible format on request.
Procurement from our suppliers: We are committed to ensuring that the procurement of goods and services address accessibility and universal design from all our suppliers.
Complaints handling and feed back: Our Group has a complaints and feedback procedure available to customers so that they may report on any area of our business that will improve accessibility for all, which will be used to deliver a continuous program of improvement within the group.
Management Responsibility: Universal Access for all staff and visitors is part of our business culture. Our management team includes accessibility on all team and department meetings as part of our continuous commitment to being an inclusive employer and service provider for all.

ODR Community
Building our ODR community is important to us. Via our internal online platform, work vivo, our employee can keep in touch with team activitites across the group i.e. Beach cleaning days, supplier visits, funny videos, daily nuggets and how our team is engaged with and helping local communities and charities.

O'Donoghue Ring Collection
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Killarney Plaza Hotel & Spa
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Killarney Towers Hotel & Leisure Centre
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Killarney Avenue Hotel
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